
Saturday, February 5

A Night in Cork City!

Tuesday and Thursday nights are the big nights for going out here and last Thursday when my class was having a class night out I was beyond thrilled to experience an Irish night in Cork! Most people don't usually go out here until around 10 or 11, so after class I took a nap and then got ready with one of my room mates who was also going out that night with her friends. My first pub experience were definitely awesome! We ended up going to two pubs that night, I guess they were more modern ones. They reminded me a lot of some of the places in the Old Port but it still seemed like a totally new experience. I was surprised at some of the music they played. A lot of it was stuff you would hear being played at clubs in the US but also they had a surprisingly long playlist of 80's music, which was a lot of fun. A ton of people seemed to be out and I got to know a lot of my classmates better! After the Pubs closed most everyone goes to McDonald's, which in my experiences is extremely comparable to a night out in the US haha! Overall it was a great time :-) Next week the business students have their ball, which is a lot like prom only a meal is also served. I'm pretty excited although, and have already made plans with my roommate to attend with her. I don't know if I have anything to wear yet, so I may go into town tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 2

So Savage ;)

I LOVE Irish slang, (as you can tell from my title) almost as much as I love their accents! Fingers crossed I’ll come home with a slight accent, lol! Today was my second day of class. Their school system is so different from ours it took me a while to kind of wrap my head around it on Monday and get my classes picked out. It seems to me that once you begin college and pick a major, you are with all the other kids in the major for every class for the next four years. So basically all the kids get to know each other really well and I of course stuck out incredibly bad. I was the new kid with a weird accent haha. Everyone is extremely nice though, and I’m talking to more people each day. That is partly because I am in two different majors. I am currently taking 5 classes (normal is 6), 3 of which are in the first year accounting major and two are in a second year business administration major. I tried to pick classes that sounded fun and that I haven’t had before, since the courses probably aren’t going to transfer. Here is a list of what I am taking:
Business Math and Stats
Introduction to Marketing
Business Management
Accounting and Computer Applications 2
I already took a communications class a couple of semesters ago but I thought that it would be beneficial if I took one here. It will force me out of my shell a bit. I also already took two accounting courses but I thought it would be cool to see how they couple it with excel.
The schedule for classes is also a lot different then any of my college experiences. Something that is really different from SMCC is that you cannot pick your class times. The professor and department decide class times. Also these are what they call provisional, so they can change at anytime. I haven’t had any problems with it yet but I can see where that could cause problems, especially since I am in two different majors. One class time is already conflicting between the two, but attendance isn’t calculated into your grade the same way over here, so I am not that worried about it. Plus, one girl said she could give me the notes from the class I miss. Another weird thing was that classes are only 45 minutes long, and you can have the same class, in different locations multiple times a day. For example, tomorrow, Thursday I have Accounting and Computer Applications 2 at 9 am, then again at 10 (same teacher but in a different room) then I have Business Math and Stats at 11, then Communications at 12 then Accounting and Computer Applications 2 again at 1 and my last class is Business Math and Stats again at 3. It seems to work out well for them, its just hard getting used to. Thursday is my longest day out of the week so it isn’t that bad.
Tomorrow I was invited to go to the pub with one of my classes. I haven’t been to a pub yet and am really excited!